Our anniversary


Back Up - 30th Anniversary

Back Up’s founder, Mike Nemesvary, was a stunt skier who broke his neck whilst training. In 1986, he set up the charity to help other people in his situation to get back to skiing post-injury.

30 years on, our services have expanded and changed to meet the needs of people affected by spinal cord injury. Our wheelchair skills training, mentoring, outreach and support and wide range of residential courses help people of all ages, injury levels and their families regain confidence, and independence.

There’s so much to celebrate in 2016, thanks to our service users, supporters and volunteers. But while we’ve come so far, there is much more to be done. Despite huge advances in medical care and research, improvements to the day-to-day lives of people with spinal cord injury haven’t kept pace. Some groups find it especially hard to access support. We want this to change.

This is the year we set ourselves a challenge – to reach a wider group of people affected by spinal cord injury, raise awareness of the issues they face, to celebrate their achievements and bring people together for change. Our aim is for everyone affected by spinal cord injury to live the life they want and receive the support they need to fulfill their potential.

What’s happening?

Each month we will focus on a theme – an issue, an aspect of our work or a specific group of people affected by spinal cord injury. We will be turning the spotlight on the fantastic volunteers who deliver our services and sharing the stories of individuals and families we support.

anniversary calendar (2)

Get involved

  • Share your memories, personal aspirations and experiences
  • Invite our volunteers to raise awareness or funds in your school, workplace or community
  • Take part in a fundraising event or challenge
  • Become a volunteer buddy, mentor or wheelchair skills trainer
  • Follow and like us on social media

Keep in touch by contacting our anniversary team on 0208 875 6727 or email anniversary@backuptrust.org.uk

We will be using the hashtag #BackUp30 throughout the year – so why not join the conversation?

Registered Charity No. 1072216 and SCO040577 | Charitable Company No 3596996 Registered in England & Wales