Volunteer as an education advocate

Education Advocate training

Date: Friday 7 Mar - Saturday 8 Mar
Location: Burleigh Court, Loughborough

If you have a spinal cord injury and want to support children and young people to be fully included in their education, you should volunteer as an education advocate.

Our passionate team ensure every young person can thrive during their education, socialise with their friends, and fulfil their true potential.

Being an education advocate involves:

  • Visiting children and young people at hospital, school or university (in-person or virtually)
  • Delivering presentations and workshops to students and staff to raise awareness and understanding of spinal cord injury
  • Promoting the voice of the child or young person
  • Working as a collective team with other professionals and organisations, supporting the child/young person’s individual needs

Education advocate leading a session at a primary school

Want to find out more?

Take a look over the Volunteer Education Advocate role description (pdf) and:

Apply today


If you have any questions, please contact us at volunteering@backuptrust.org.uk or give us a call on 020 8875 1805.