Christmas Appeal – Jemima’s story

By supporting our Christmas Appeal, you can help us provide our vital work. Read Jemima’s story and how Back Up were there for her.


My name is Jemima and I want to tell you how, two years ago, my life changed in an instant. Thankfully, Back Up were there to help me thrive and see a positive future.

I am 15 and I enjoy art, painting and writing. I love being creative – making cosplay costumes for myself and my brother, Jed. We live with our parents and our Jack Russell terrier, Daisy, who I adore.

Two years ago, my life, and the lives of everybody in my family, completely changed. A serious fall broke most of the bones in my lower body.  My pelvis was detached from the spine so there was a complete spinal cord injury. 

I spent six weeks in the ICU, I needed multiple surgeries and was kept unconscious to manage the pain. It was completely devastating for my parents. They were so shocked and everyone went into crisis mode.

Initially, there was so much uncertainty in my head, so many questions. What would my new life be like? I needed so much care and I knew that I would have to learn to walk again. That was really difficult. At 13, I was just starting to get some independence but it felt like I was a child again, having to relearn how to do basic tasks. 

That’s when we met Back Up. It was such a relief to talk to someone who understood what I was going through, and could answer all the questions in my head. My mum also found it incredibly helpful to ask about my education and how to look after my physical health.


It was several months before I was discharged from hospital to start the long road to recovery. Mum used to be a midwife but she gave up her job to be my full-time carer. It was physically hard work for her as I still couldn’t even put my feet on the floor. My parents also had to convert our family living room into a ground floor bedroom I could access.

Back Up encouraged me to go on their multi-activity course for 13-17 year olds. The timing was perfect for both me and my mum as it was very intense at home. I needed to gain more independence but mum worried about me going. She was reassured that I would be in safe hands as Back Up provide experienced nurses and trained group leaders.

On the course, all the activities were amazing and adapted to my abilities. The group leaders were real advocates for people with disability and that inspired me.  My favourite activity was wild swimming in the lake. My mum says I was a real “water baby” growing up – so being able to swim independently after my injury was just amazing.

After the course, I felt like a different person, like I’d been given a new lease of life. The wheelchair skills were incredible. I didn’t need mum to push my wheelchair anymore because I’d learnt new skills and could manoeuvre myself. I was on a mission for independence!


But honestly, I think it was the friendships that meant the most to me… to meet other young people like me who were on the same path of adjusting to everyday life. It was inspiring to be around them.

I came back all fired up and ready to tackle any challenges in life.  

Now I have the confidence to use public transport – something I found very intimidating before. I can go to art exhibitions in London, it’s really opened up my world. I’m going to a local comic convention with my brother and have big plans for our costumes and make-up! Ultimately, I’d like to go to art college.

I’m very excited about my future now. I am training so that the next time I go on a Back Up course, I can go as one of the group leaders. I want to give back and share everything that I’ve learnt.

Every time I’ve been with Back Up, I have a renewed fire for independence – a determination. Back Up has helped me thrive and given me ambition for the future.

Every four hours, another person will find out that they have a spinal cord injury. I would love it if you would be able to donate today and join me in supporting Back Up.