Sidney benefited from our Mentoring programme, it helped him find the joy in life again

Sidney’s story: My mentor helped me value life again

“Thanks to my Back Up mentor, I’m very passionate about gardening,” says Sidney. Read more

Kim, a back up Mentor.

Kim’s Story: Mentoring has given me my identity back

Music lover Kim loves to travel and recently came back from a punk rock music Read more

David is wearing a white t shirt and smiling at the camera

David’s story: Getting support to return to work after my spinal cord injury

Thirty-year-old David loves sports and is a big rugby fan.“I love going to the gym Read more

Joseph in his wheelchair with his dad slightly bent down next to him, looking at the camera smiling

Joseph’s story: Finding my confidence in returning to work after spinal cord injury

“My name’s Joseph and I’m 30 years old. I live with my dog, who’s a Read more

Liz sitting on her wheelchair in her home. She is smiling and looking at the camera

Liz’s story: Finding light at the end of the tunnel

After Syringomyelia caused Liz to sustain a spinal cord injury, she had an operation Read more

Moving Forwards

Mark’s story: My first solo flight

In August 2016, Mark was preparing to attend the Moving Forwards course Read more

Sarah’s story: My journey with Sam

We were rolled into the world of spinal cord injury in December 2009 when our Read more

Holly’s story: My first trip without my parents

My first time travelling without my mum was one of the most overwhelming things I’ve Read more

image of Jacques and his wife on holiday for his travel tips piece

Jacques’s Top Travel Tips

Booking accommodation – is it really accessible?Don’t be scared to use mainstream tools like Read more

Alex’s story: Finding my first job

I’ve never had a job before.I was in formal education until 2014 when I graduated Read more